"May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon and be gracious to you, may the Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace." -Numbers 6:24-26

"May the Lord bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon and be gracious to you, may the Lord turn His face towards you and give you peace." -Numbers 6:24-26

Introducing our newest print:

“The Lord’s Supper”

As we roll through Holy Week approaching the Easter Triduum, I keep thinking of the Last Supper and what Jesus felt leading up to that night.

When I know I’m having dinner with my friends the upcoming weekend, I feel so much more joy and rest through my week. I can’t help but think, though anxious and nervous, He had some of that same “I can’t wait to be with my friends” energy.

I’d give the shirt off my back for my friends. He gave His literal body for His. On the flip side, imagine how they felt leading up to that dinner. To sit at the table with someone who loves them more than they love themselves. Who knows them more than they know themselves. Who wants more for them than they could ever want for themselves.

The gift that the Last Supper must have been to His disciples. The peace and rest it must have brought through the giving of His body and blood.

5/5 stars across the board on our number one product:

Fine Art Prints. We offer high quality paper prints, canvas prints, and canvases that have been retouched personally by Natalie!


beauty and blessing

   into every   

 heart & home  

Jesus remains at the core of what we do and we are so grateful to Him for all of our customers and supporters. Our prayer is that each piece you see, purchase, or gift brings abundant peace and blessing into the hearts that it reaches!


Stickers are our favorite! Our waterproof, scratch resistant, and dishwasher safe stickers are the perfect way to show off your love and devotion to the faith. Notebooks. waterbottles, windshields, and laptops to name a few, our diverse sticker collection offers each of these an opportunity to look way cooler than they already are! :) Shop our stickers below!


A book for mothers in any season.

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